Core Values
Supremacy of Jesus Christ
Authority of the Word
Redemptive Community
Statement of Faith
1: The Bible
We believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original manuscripts, sufficient for all that God requires us to believe and do, and the final authority for all matters of faith, practice, and life. (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:19–21)
2: God
We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; that these three are equal in every divine perfection; and that this God is the Creator and Ruler of all things and is the center of our worship. (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 3:16–17; Matt. 28:19–20; Gen. 1:1–2; John 1:1–3; 1 Chron. 16:23– 25)
3: God The Father
We believe in God the Father who sovereignly rules over all that he created and continues to care for and sustain in providence all that exists. (Matt. 6:9; Gen. 1:1; Ps. 115:3; Dan. 4:35; Eph. 1:11)
4: Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, God’s only Son, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and is fully God and fully man—the only mediator between God and man. (1 Cor. 8:6; John 20:28; John 3:16; Matt. 1:23–25; Heb. 4:15; John 1:14; Col. 2:9; Phil. 2:5–7; 1 Tim. 2:5)
5: The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit who glorifies the Father and the Son, convicts the world of sin, regenerates hearts, indwells all believers, gives gifts to men and women, and guides believers in obedience to the truth. ( John 16:8, 14–15; Titus 3:5; 1 Cor. 12:7; Rom. 8:13–14)
6: Humanity
We believe that humans were created by God in his own image; that they sinned and thereby incurred physical, spiritual and eternal death, which is separation from God; that as a consequence, all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are sinners by choice and therefore under condemnation. We believe that God created humans as male and female and ordained marriage to be a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman. (Gen.1:27–28; Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23; Matt. 19:4–6)
7: Atonement
We believe that Jesus Christ, according to the will of God the Father, offered himself as a substitutionary atoning sacrifice, and that all who repent from their sin and believe in him have eternal life. By his death on the cross, Jesus defeated evil, sin, and death. (Isa. 53:10; 2 Cor. 5:21; Acts 2:38; John 3:16; Heb. 2:14)
8: Salvation
We believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, and that true faith in the gospel will be made evident by a life of repentance and godliness. (Eph. 2:8–10; Rom. 10:9; Phil. 2:12)
9: Resurrection
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as the first-fruits of our resurrection, and in his ascension into heaven to the right hand of the Father. (1 Cor. 15:3–8, 20; Acts 1:9–11; Rom. 8:34)
10: The Church
We believe in the universal Church, a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head and all regenerated persons are members. We believe in the local church, consisting of a body of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized on a credible profession of faith, under elders, and associated for worship, service, and fellowship. We believe that the primary mission of the church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations. (Col. 1:18; Eph. 2:19–22; Gal. 3:26–28; 1 Pet. 5:1-5; Acts 2:42; Heb. 10:23– 25; Matt. 28:18–20; Acts 1:8)
11: The Ordinances
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has committed two ordinances to the local church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe that water baptism of a believer into the name of the triune God signifies one’s identification with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. We believe that the Lord’s Supper was instituted by Christ for commemoration of his death until he comes. (Matt. 28:18–20; Rom. 6:3–5; 1 Cor. 11:23–26)
12: Last Things (Eschatology)
We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of his kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, the endless suffering of the wicked, and the eternal joy of the righteous. (Matt. 16:27; Acts 1:11; 1 Thess. 4:15; Titus 2:13; 1 Cor.15:20, 54–55; 2 Thess. 1:7– 10; Rev. 20:11–15; Rev. 21:1–9)