The backdrop of the book of Jonah is about The LORD's steadfast love, his compassion and mercy. Psalm 33:5, 59:17, Psalm 86:5, 103:8, Exodus 34:6, Numbers 14:18, Nehemiah 9:17, Joel…
Main Point: Is the LORD the righteous ruler of the universe, or are you? Does the LORD have the corner of the market on compassion, justice, and mercy or do…
When a person turns their faith in God and his Kingdom into a self-centered belief system rather than God-centered devotion, discontentment is the result. Discontentment with how God is working…
Jonah refuses to deliver a message of truth and compassion, as God commands of him because he is angry at the LORD's workings. Jonah's attitude and disobedience put him in…
Jonah is commissioned by God to warn Nineveh of impending judgment. Yet, Jonah flees from this task. The satire and irony are meant to criticize the tendency of God's people…