Jonah is commissioned by God to warn Nineveh of impending judgment. Yet, Jonah flees from this task. The satire and irony are meant to criticize the tendency of God's people…
Once again in today's account we see the two parallel truths in Luke's Gospel; TRUTH and JOY. For Mary and Elizabeth, the reality of what God is doing is progressively…
God loves a community of cheerful givers; believers seeking to outdo one another in love, resulting in a generosity that flows out of their understanding and experience of the Gospel.
Proclaiming and living out the truth of God’s mercy and steadfast love toward us in specific ways, will keep us from moral and spiritual drift and strengthen our identity, joy,…
The reasonable response to God's steadfast love and dependable faithfulness is enthusiastic declaration and tangible obedience to God and His Word. In these efforts, we continue to remain humbly dependent…